I was wondering what I could put together for "Beginner". I chose to represent the stages of child development beginning to draw.
1st stage - manipulative - experimenting
2nd stage - symbolic - only to child
3rd stage - recogniseable - recognised by the adult.
Under three year olds have little concept of base line - draw and float in mid air. The early stages of art, gaining control of what it does.
The Mandala - symbolic circle with bits coming out from it. The child gradually moves to this stage of development as it explores from the environment and experiments with shape and line. Scribble continues to be an important part of the process and the learning. There is so much interesting information and theory surrounding our creative development and beginnings. I have given a very brief intro to the extraordinary skill we all begin with.
My playful image (the first one) is my instant expression of the thoughts I had thinking about "beginning''. These two other colourful pictures I added have come from a collection of drawings I kept of my now adult children. Who incidentally are successful in the world of creativity.