As I said I would in the first post, here is entangled number 2. I have explored some more, my entangled image. I think I prefer this one. What do you think? I had fun doing this. I think its a bit more entangled with lots of growth. Quite a positive image for me
I came up with this image when studying ''Art Therapy" in 2008. Exploration through art, core issues. My entangled threads in and out of my heart I felt were apt for this weeks IF theme. The entanglement of relationships, love, children, family, hopes and dreams. I loved this image and thought I'd post. However, I am going to explore it some more and if I get chance will post an updated version.
Sunrise BandWe meet up together and play our music - for fun and socialising - We began many years ago and played for local charities to help raise money - or just for fun to give a smile. A smaller group now as younger members grown and moved on to new ventures. Music, listening to, or playing an instrument, is both relaxing and invigorating. I love playing my saxophone and meeting with friends.
At last I am getting a little more balance in my schedule. I have been feeling unbalanced, as unbalanced as my picture. Title "Which Way" . Life's choices and making decisions. I have ventured forth with my own private practice in the Arts and counselling. At the same time I have now balanced this out with paid employed work out in the field of working with Families, leaving my old job behind. Balancing this out with my pleasure of doodling my art with my blog spots. I have missed being a part of IF this last few weeks. Here's hoping I can manage to add a few more before Christmas. Apologies to all if I don't get to visit you.